维罗尼卡笑的牙都露出来了,她晃了晃手臂,被铐住的手就挣脱了,然后她一边拿下头发上伪装成簪子的魔杖一边说:“肖恩先生,你犯了一个巨大的错误。”紧接着她对肖恩用了个锁喉咒,一条火链飞了出去,锁住了肖恩的喉咙,他什么话也说不出来的倒在地上挣扎,维罗尼卡用魔杖指挥音响放了首歌:hit and run
歌词:They never saw us coming til they hit the floor直到倒地之后他们才发现我们的到来
歌词:they just kept begging for more, more他们只是苦苦哀求着更多更多
歌词:Na na na na na na na All dressed up for a hit and run Na na na na na na na All dressed up for a hit and run盛装出场杀完就走
歌词:I was brought up as a southern belle I grew into the queen from hell you were just a little stowaway that stabbed her way to save herself我本是南国丽人蜕变成地狱女王,你原是个偷渡客,为了自保不惜伤人
歌词:you always liked the taste of blood and I get off when I point the gun it\'s so good to have someone to be so bad with你总热爱鲜血的滋味,而我热爱开枪的快感,真高兴能有个作恶伙伴
歌词:First one up was a preachers son last one down was an Englishman I\'m in bed with his bow tie on all dressed up for a hit and run第一个起身的是牧师的儿子,最后一个倒地的是英国绅士,我戴着他的领结入睡,盛装登场杀完就走
歌词:Sunday in notting hill he was sneaking a cigarette his God protects him but I know we\'ll get him yet诺丁山的星期天,他正准备偷偷吸根烟,他的主在天保佑他们,可我知道我们还是会得手
歌词:ran my fingers thru his hair so he thinks its fun and games he don\'t know our faces but he\'ll never forget our names手指抚摸他的头发,他还以为不过是场嘻嘻打闹,他认不出我们的脸,但他会永远记住我们的名字
歌词:I was waiting in the getaway car you were stuck in the hotel bar he was a proper Englishman you had one last pint before the cops broke in我在车里等着你好上路,你还等在酒吧台那,他是个得体的英国绅士,警察破门而入之前你喝完了最后一杯啤酒